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Tone the lower abs with just 5 exercises in 20mins!

Tone the lower abs with just 5 exercises in 20mins!

Lower Abdominal Workout

What kind of Diastasis Recti do you have? Who knew there were about 4 different variations and it can occur in men also!? I'm convinced my husband had sympathetic pregnancy symptoms sometimes. ha ha! As a mum of two boys, I noticed after my second pregnancy that there was some separation in my ab muscles. It’s encouraging to know we can get to work at reducing that gap considerably. These are some exercises for mummy’s who are ready to target their abs in this way. This an excellent lower ab workout which helps bring in the post pregnancy 'pooch'. Super effective.

Lower Abs Workout:

3 sets takes about 15-20mins depending on how many monkeys you have climbing all over you!

30 secs Down Dog with Crunch ( each side )

30 secs Straight Leg Crunch

30 secs slow Hip Raise and Lower

30 secs Butterfly Crunch

30 secs Scissor Leg with Twist ( each side )

Butt blaster with just 4 easy exercises

Butt blaster with just 4 easy exercises

5 effective exercises to tone arms and back

5 effective exercises to tone arms and back