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Grandad's World Famous Kiwi Omelette

Grandad's World Famous Kiwi Omelette

I was 10 or 11 years old. It was Sunday morning and I was staying at my dads. I woke up to the clashing of pots and pans as dad rustled something up in the kitchen. As I slumped hungrily at the breakfast bar he asked me if I knew how to make an omelette. Naturally, at that age I didn’t even know what an omelette was. I watched dad as he darted to and from the fridge back to the frying pan, adding all sorts of unlikely ingredients. What he presented me was the most astonishing thing I had ever eaten as a 10 year old. A tidy parcel of all my favourite foods encapsulated by egg! This memory of dad and I bonding over a ‘hangover’ omelette has remained with me forever, and I find myself duplicating the recipe many a weekend, but this time for my family. Charlie loves these omelettes almost as much as he loves his grandad.

Omelettes are a super healthy and tasty way to sneak veggies into your your toddlers diet too. If you love eggs + big breakfasts, then try this recipe and make omelettes like a boss! So quick and easy you can do literally with your eyes squinted with hair-of-the-dog ( Bloody Mary no less! ) in one hand. This omelette is a life saver for weekends and hungry little mouths. The beauty of omelettes is you could literally fill it with almost anything and it would probably work. Also good for dinner if your fridge is bare and the creative-cooking- juices aren't flowing.


Takes 10mins.

In a bowl add 2 x eggs with a slash of water for the egg omelette mixture. Whisk and season. You could add chopped chives or parsley to the mixture if so desire. I also like to add a bit of parmesan cheese to the mixture and then add to a medium to large greased frying pan on medium heat.

Prepare the toppings you love:

I’ve kept true to my dad’s ‘kiwi style’ but took out the bacon ( but if you love bacon or ham, then go for it ) I sprinkle and layer each ingredient on top of the egg to one side of the pan. I add finely chopped red onion, cherry toms, spinach, goats cheese ( or another type of cheese you prefer ), baked beans.. and wait for it, add plain yogurt and banana. You could also add things like jalapenos and chorizo! But probably not for the kids. Before folding the omelette over, I like to grill mine under the grill to cook the top and warm up the ingredients, doing this also makes it much easier to flip it over too. You don't need an omelette pan either, I've used a big frying pan for a mac daddy sized brekkie. Slide the folded omelette onto a plate. Top the folded omelette with basil or coriander and season. Too good. Happy Sunday everyone!

#recipebypieta #cookingwithkids #healthymum #healthylifestyle #bypieta

Tell me in the comment box below what you like to put in your omelette? The weirder the better!


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