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Step it up! Quick 7min HIIT to boost strength

Step it up! Quick 7min HIIT to boost strength

Are you constantly saying "I just don't have time"?.. I don't have time to workout, to prepare meals, to get a hair cut... or to have a shower! πŸ˜‚ Yep common prob when you're a busy mum with little ones. It's remarkable we have time to do anything for ourselves at all!

Behold the 7min workout! High intensity and the kids attention span lasts the distance. Give this 7min workout a whirl! I tried this during my morning run and it really took my workout up a notch, and the kids loved it too!

Get yourself a Tabata app ( you can download them for free! ) and set it to 1min x 7 exercises. No rest between exercises. If you dare, do more than one set!

1min of walking planks
1min downward dog push ups
1min of hand stands
1min of switch lunges
30 sides side plank each side
1min of crunches with alt leg lift
1min of mountain climber push ups

Go your own pace. Keep your form. See your fitness and strength level really improve!

Playground Workout for Mummys

Playground Workout for Mummys

Bingo Wings Be Gone!

Bingo Wings Be Gone!