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Sweat, Nourish and Live to the fullest. Lets play all out 100%. Find your balance, energy and zest for life. I'm here to help you every step.

So good to see you!

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@girl_goesfit 15min booty burning while the kids scoff their dinner!

@girl_goesfit 15min booty burning while the kids scoff their dinner!

I recently met my philosophical doppelganger ( in mind & soul, clearly not in body! ha! ). We share a knowing chemistry as if we'd known each other for years, I call her my sister-from-another-mother! I was introduced to Mel by another friend via Facebook. Mel and I haven't actually met in person yet but we chat online and video call often. Melanie is also a kiwi, a mum of two boys and like me has a deep passion for health, wellbeing, fitness and red wine! Instant besty. Mel is a professional PT and I'm in love her unique individualist approach to training her clients. www.girlgoesfit.com

Mel and her husband moved abroad with their 2 gorgeous boys to the beautiful balearic island Mallorca and it's here where she is building her life and passion to help people like you and me achieve their health goals on a whole new level, no matter how time poor you are or where you are in the world!

Mel inspired me with one of her many super effective quick HIIT workouts that I could squeeze into my manic life as a mum, wife and business builder. I had 15mins to spare while my boys scoffed their dinner. Ample time to kick start the re-building of 'alla-flat-bum' back into a hopefully more pert lookalike! ha!

See the workout in action here! Charlie can't help but get involved. Love it!

I chatted to Mel about what she'd like to share with you.


1. Find your true self to be yourself.
2. Be here NOW, (this is something you have to keep working at.)
3. To be childlike.


"My contribution to make this world a better place is to help people live a clean balanced healthy life, and create a flow on effect so everybody can have a healthy body to see them through to their golden years, with goal to have your internal age closer to that of your physical age. And even though you may not be looking for me, you will by some unique chance or moment come into my life and be changed loved and respected. "


"I have over 10 years experience in personal training as in 2004. I completed my Diploma in Fitness Training from AUT ( NZ ) and went on to work as a freelance trainer in Valencia, Spain with a group of clients specializing in post/anti and pre-natal exercise.  Just recently I completed my IIN Holistic Nutrition Health Coaching Certificate as I live by my clean diet and 80/20 rule.  

I truly believe in a holistic approach to fitness and health and nutrition.  As there is no one size fits all, we are all individual and we all have different needs and requirements.  I even love delving back into clients genetics to get them to bring back their base intuition.  For example people born in winter vs summer, or brought up by the water or inland.  All these genetic factors, when brought up help my clients identify and understand themselves and what could be triggers for bringing back good health and fitness or unveiling part of the reasons why they could have less than optimal health or fitness.

I feel I am able to offer my clients a unique and very personal experience that goes beyond being just a person that takes them through a series of exercises.  I am able to put myself in their shoes and feel how hard it is to work towards a goal.  To be able to walk in someone else's shoes is a skill that I find I am always striving to understand and work towards bettering myself at. "

Follow Melanie Hurst on Instagram under @girl_goesfit

Contact Mel directly too here www.girlgoesfit.com She's a super special person.

Whip that waist into shape in under 20mins!

Whip that waist into shape in under 20mins!

5 belly blasting exercises using a cushion.

5 belly blasting exercises using a cushion.